6th grade

Streams and Rivers

The farmland in the Central Valley of California is among the most productive in the world. Besides good soil and a mild climate, the region has a lot of water. Streams drain off of the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east and join the mighty Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers in the Central Valley.

Processes of the Water Cycle

Based on your knowledge and observations of water in our atmosphere, create a flow chart depicting water’s movement on the Earth. Then compare your sketch to the water cycle figure shown below.

States of Water

Knowing the three stages of water is important in learning Earth science, as it helps explain the water cycle and various weather properties.

Distribution of Water on Earth

To help remember the function of reservoirs: Reservoirs reserve water.

Cenozoic Plate Tectonics

Many other Concepts in Earth Science go into further detail explaining the geological changes. Refer to them if needed.

Plate Tectonics and Seas of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras

Remember that the continents needed to come together before they split apart.

Precambrian Continents and Plate Tectonics

The forming of continents was similar to the forming of our planets: Many small pieces
(microcontinents) collided to create bigger pieces.

Early Atmosphere and Oceans

Earth’s atmosphere can be divided into three stages, so try to memorize dates based on the events during each stage.

Formation of the Moon

Similar to the formation of the Solar System, the formation of the moon is hypothesized to be a result of collisions.

Formation of Earth

The extreme heat of the early Earth was a major factor in shaping its geography.


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