6th grade

Other Celestial Bodies

New guidelines in 2000 defined Pluto as a dwarf planet. Instead of nine planets, our Solar System now only has eight.


Since the moon’s orbit around itself and around the Earth is the same, we always see the same side of the moon when we look up at the night sky.

Planets in Our Solar System

To remember the order of the planets, try remembering this: My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos.

Inner versus Outer Planets

Still looking for a clever way to remember the planets? Try My Very Elegant Moose Just Slurped Up Noodles.

Gravity in the Solar System

Every pair of objects is gravitationally attracted to each other. You are not able to attract very large objects, but sometimes you may find dust “orbiting” you.

Planet Orbits in the Solar System

If you know the orbital period for a planet, can you find out the planet’s distance from the Sun? Does the same thing apply conversely? (Assuming you know the planet’s distance from the Sun, can you figure out its orbital period?)

Planets of the Solar System

The length of a day is related to how quickly a planet rotates, and a year is determined by how long it takes for the planet to orbit once around the sun.

Surface Features of the Sun

Remember the acronym SSS—Sunspots, Solar Flares, Solar Prominences—as the surface features of the sun.

Interior of the Sun

How would scientists use cameras to observe different layers of the Sun? Hint: Different temperatures are associated with different wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum!

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Pollution

Carbon taxes work just like other taxes: they discourage activity by implementing fines.


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