Middle School


Everything that exists in the world is unified inside the universe.

Milky Way

The Milky Way Galaxy looks different from other galaxies we have observed because we are viewing the Milky Way from within.


The Milky Way Galaxy is one of the many spiral galaxies in our universe.

Distance Between Stars

Using some geometry, can you understand how scientists might be able to use data to determine the distance between stars? What measurements are needed?

Life Cycle and Classification of Stars

Think of the flames coming from a stovetop. When they are getting warmer, its color will change from a dull red when it is cool into a blue

Star Power

A thermonuclear bomb reacts in the same way that a star produces energy; think about how much energy is released in both cases.

Star Constellations

Be careful not to confuse astronomy with astrology. Astronomy is the study of our universe, but astrology only deals with fortune-telling.

Other Celestial Bodies

New guidelines in 2000 defined Pluto as a dwarf planet. Instead of nine planets, our Solar System now only has eight.


Since the moon’s orbit around itself and around the Earth is the same, we always see the same side of the moon when we look up at the night sky.

Planets in Our Solar System

To remember the order of the planets, try remembering this: My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos.


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