6th grade

Impact of Continued Global Warming

Global warming has been linked to 2011 weather extremes such as the unusually hot and dry weather in Texas for the spring to summer growing season.

Global Warming

Think about greenhouse gasses as a large blanket. It traps warmth and keeps it from escaping.

Carbon Cycle and Climate

Think of some words that have “carb-” or “carbo-” in them. It is likely that these things all have carbon in them! For example, if you have a carbonated drink, it means that it has bubbles of CO2 in it. Carbon is in a lot more places than you would think!

Long-Term Climate Change

Remember Sally Picks Many Grapes, to remember the four main causes of long-term climate change.

Short-Term Climate Change

Climate change has its basis on water temperature fluctuations, with La Niña and El Niño conditions being the two extreme ends of the climate spectrum.

Climate Change in Earth History

Think about how the Earth’s climate has been changing in the past. Do you think it will continue to change? Will it get hotter or colder? Do you think humans contribute to climate change?

Reducing Ozone Destruction

The ozone layer prevents harmful sunlight radiation from entering the Earth’s atmosphere. UVB and UVA radiation can magnify the risks of skin cancer.

Reducing Air Pollution

Saving energy at home not only preserves resources, but also saves you and your family money in the long run.

Ozone Depletion

After learning how the ozone layer protects us on Earth, can you predict what would happen when ozone levels go down?

Acid Rain

To remember the pollutants
which cause acid rain:

SNAP: Sulfur Nitrogen ArePollutants


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