6th grade

Formation of the Sun and Planets

To remember the planets in order (starting from closest to the Sun), use the mnemonic device my very easy method just speeds up names. The first letter from each word corresponds to a planet. Just remember that Mercury is closer to the Sun than Mars. So, the planets are (in order) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Age of Earth

Make a timeline that shows the evolving method of how geologists estimated the age of the earth.

Age of Earth

Make a timeline that shows the evolving method of how geologists estimated the age of the earth.

Radiometric Dating

Calculating half-lives is a concept you might have learned in math. Combining the calculations with this study guide might help you understand the concept better.

Radioactive Decay as a Measure of Age

You may have studied exponential and logarithmic functions in your algebra class. Scientists use these functions in order to calculate the duration of a half-life and the age of a material.

Tree Rings, Ice Cores, and Varves

All of these methods used to date events involve analyzing patterns on an object. Tree rings, ice cores, and varves keep track of time the same way a prison inmate may write tally marks on the wall. By looking at the patterns, a person is able to estimate a time frame of an event’s occurrence.

Geological Time Scale

To remember the organization of the geologic time scale, use this mnemonic device: Every Elephant Plays Energetically (Eon Era Period Epoch)

Correlation Using Relative Ages

Think of correlation as a map-making method. Explorers who want to map out the location of an unknown area need to take in account any significant features on the path that may give an indication of their specific location. In a similar fashion, scientists look at specific clues to make their map for geologic history.

Determining Relative Ages

A helpful way to think of the Law of Superposition is to think of a stack of newspapers. If you read the newspaper every day and then put it in a pile, the older newspapers will be on the bottom and newest ones on top.

Principles of Relative Dating

Archaeologists use relative dating much the same way a crime scene investigator may look at clues at a scene to find out when a crime occurred.


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